Our Sacred Journey

Union between the body, mind, and breath


Yoga, literally meaning, ‘union’ is an ancient practice that aims to restore the balance between the body, mind, and breath, bringing about a greater awareness of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies for total wellbeing.

We offer all types of Yoga Restorative & Yin Yoga , Mental Health & Somatic Movement, Chair/ Gentle Movement, Adaptive Yoga & Healing Hatha Yoga

What Is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a passive style of yoga. Mostly done on the floor in a seated or lying position, where we hold the poses for a longer period of time to relax the muscles to delve deep into the connective tissues of the body.

We take the pose to the first point of sensation and rest here with mindfulness and  breath.

Yin Yoga incorporates a specific sequence of poses to stimulate particular meridians, or subtle energy channels, within the body as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine to release stale, blocked energy so that our energy can flow with ease for overall health & well-being.

The benefits of Yin Yoga for our bodies and mind are large and well worth giving Yin Yoga a try.

What is  Restorative  Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. It is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing. The use of props, blankets, bolsters, blocks are used in Restorative yoga.

The benefits of Restorative yoga are:

Promotes deep relaxation, decreases symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, fear & worry , help to manage pain and improve sleep while building a body and mind connection. 

In todays world we are leading busy  stressful lives, and taking the time to slow down, to rest, stretch and breathe can have amazing benefits in promoting parasympathetic nervous system activity, which helps, take the body out of a “fight or flight and freeze” response and into rest and digest, 

The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is a branch of our autonomic nervous system that controls involuntary functions in the body, such as heart rate, pupil dilation and so on. By stimulating the PNS, you help your body “rest, digest and restore.” This allows you to help slow your heart rate, normalize blood pressure, relax your digestive system, and release muscular tension, coming into a place of pure Bliss.

Healing Hatha Yoga

Healing Hatha yoga aims to achieve a balance between the mind and the body through the use of asanas or physical poses, pranayama or breath work and meditation. Hatha yoga practices are designed to build strength & flexibility. Align and calm the mind, the body, and the spirit, to release & surrender from the stresses of life.
While boosting the flow of oxygen throughout the body to both energise and expand, we use the practice of breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation to effectively reduces stress, calm the mind and relax the body.

Yoga for Mental Health & Trauma Release (Somatic Movement)

Yoga has been shown to have a positive impact on Mental Health. It helps to reduce anxiety and depression. Yoga also helps improve cognitive skills such as learning and memory and strengthens parts of the brain that play a key role in attention, awareness, thought and language.
Yoga brings about a sense of inner calm and peace within the body and mind, while improving fluidity  and movement within the joints/muscles bringing about ease & flow in our whole being.
All Yoga classes can be adapted to suit the group or individual, Yoga can be done on a chair or can be made as gentle as needed.
We provide all  mats, bolsters, blankets and blocks

“We can cater for Your Business, Organisation or group,  with Yoga, Meditation, Breath and Sound Healing and Aromatherapy.” We come to you !!


Individual & Group – Yoga classes including Breath, Meditation with Bernie

Individual Yoga Classes

– 30mins – $50

– 1 hour – $85

Group classes – 1 hour – $100

 Pricing for Business & Corporations upon discussion and requirements.    

Client Testimonials

Bernie's yoga classes are always exactly what I need at the time. She is the most wonderful yoga teacher, she is so knowledgeable and no two classes are ever the same. She has the most beautiful manner and embodies everything I love about yoga. I absolutely love Bernie's yoga classes and highly recommend her as a yoga teacher.
Bernie offers a beautiful relaxing restorative practice. The room is always set up with equipment, music, candles and incense, making the space welcoming and inviting. Bernie is attentive to everyones needs during the class, which leaves me feeling totally supported and safe
I have been going to Bernie's Yin classes for 4 years now. What a beautiful teacher Bernie is. She really cares about each person and makes sure we are all comfortable. If a pose is not accessable for you, Bernie always offers lots of optons.