Our Sacred Journey

Our Services


Yoga, is an ancient practice that aims to restore the balance between the body, mind, and breath, bringing about a greater awareness of our physical, mental, and emotional bodies for total wellbeing.

Pranayama & Meditation

Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation. “Prana” means life energy & “Yama” means control. With pranayama we can learn to regulate how we feel, think, act and speak for harmony in our life.

Meditation is the practice in which we use a technique such as mindfulness, breath or focus the mind on a particular object, thought or activity, Over time we train  and quieten our mind to bring about more awareness, so that we can  achieve  mentally clarity,  feel emotionally calm and balanced. 


Aromatherapy is a natural way to help ease many different symptoms (physical/and or emotional) by using essential oils taken from various fruits, trees, and flowers.

Sound Healing

Sound healing has been around since ancient times. Sound Medicine involves the use of various instruments and voice. All you have to do is either sit or lay back in a comfy setting and enjoy! 

Research has proven the wonderful benefits of Sound. The effects are extremely powerful on our mind, body and soul. It can be very beneficial for certain physical and mental health conditions.